Cappamore Main Street & Moore Street Road Improvement Scheme
The works were carried out on Main Street and Moore Street, Cappamore, Co. Limerick. The works consisted of the following:
- Construction of new footpaths
- Replacement and Reconstruction and surfacing of existing road area
- Installation of new kerbing and concrete footpaths
- Installation of a new watermain along the extents of the works – approx. 500m of existing watermain replaced, including installation of new sluice valves, hydrants and transfer of existing services to new watermain.
- Installation of new road markings
- Installation of new street furniture including signage
- Installation of tactile paving at a number of crossing locations along the works area
- Installation of ducting to facilitate future Telecoms requirements
- Utility diversions in conjunction with Eir to facilitate Eir service road crossings
- Alterations and replacement of existing road drainage network
The works were carried out on a busy urban road with high numbers of vehicle & pedestrian traffic in close proximity to the works area. This required a complex Traffic Management Plan to allow free flow of vehicles and pedestrians. Commercial activity, including loading/unloading etc. was also ongoing during the course of the works. Due consideration was therefore taken to organise the proper controls and safety barriers for protection and facilitation of traffic, pedestrians and commercial activity. The works were organised in such a fashion as to minimise any potential hazards or inconveniences to all users. Prior to all phases of the work consultation took place with local business in the affected area and all scheduled deliveries were accommodated. Access was maintained to all business throughout the duration of the works and Shareridge Public Liaison Officer was available throughout the works dealing with local residents and businesses to address their queries and minimise the impact to all stakeholders.
- Polymer Modified Stone Mastic Asphalt Surface Course to WR NRA Specification Clause 942 PMSMA 45mm thick, 10mm aggregate SMA 10 surf PMB 65/105-60
- Dense Binder Course Asphalt Concrete (Pen Grade 70/100) with 28 mm aggregate 75mm thick in carriageway on Main Street, Spec. Cl. 906
- Dense Binder Course Asphalt Concrete (Pen Grade 70/100) with 28 mm aggregate 90mm thick in carriageway on Moore Street, Spec. Cl. 906