Ennis Road Watermain Rehabilitation Project | Phase 1
Limerick City
Phase 1 of the Ennis Road Watermain Rehabilitation Project was undertaken by Shareridge on behalf of Irish Water, in conjunction with Limerick City and County Council. The project included the design and construction of a new 315mm PE watermain and associated valves and fittings, as well as road resurfacing from Ivan’s Cross to Union Cross along the R445 (approximately 1,500 sq. m).
The new watermain was installed through a combination of Open Cut Trenching and Pipe Bursting. Pressure management was included in the works and a new Pressure Reducing Valve (PRV) was constructed.
The primary considerations for Shareridge included the mixed nature of the surrounding environs; water usage requirements; traffic flow; and priority customers. There was significant customer engagement and stakeholder liaison throughout the project and, in the interest of minimising disruption to traffic flow, a large majority of the works were carried out at night under extensive traffic management arrangements.
The project involved
- Upsizing existing 6” Cast Iron Main to a new 315mm HDPE Main;
- Security of water supply for Limerick City;
- Adequate mains sizing for fire flow for Ennis Road and Lower Shelbourne Road, where a number of schools and businesses are present;
- Removal of Cast Iron Mains and associated lead services;
- Design and installation of new PRV at Jetlands;
- Installation of Regulo Controller for PRV (linked to existing Flow Meter for this DMA);
- High traffic volumes managed during works with well-planned TM;
- Night works undertaken to minimise disruption to customers and businesses;
- Significant road reinstatement.