Shareridge has commenced works on the Mill Rd, Corbally Active Travel Scheme. The project is designed to provide a prioritised, safe, and segregated cycle and walking route for vulnerable road users along a busy, hilly, narrow, local road in Corbally. This is particularly important for the vulnerable and for mobility impaired road users including the residents of Corbally House Nursing Home at the northern end of the project area, and children who live in the estates off Mill Road and commute to school in St. Munchin’s College and Scoil Ide.”
The new shared surface will encourage more cycling and walking along Mill Road and reduce reliance on cars from the residential estates to and from Corbally Road. This new path will prioritise walkers and cyclists and separate them from vehicles on the road. It is expected that people from the local community will take up more walking, jogging, running, biking, skateboarding, and skating when the new Active Travel path is constructed and the shared surface will be safe, regularly used, and a positive addition to the community. This should lead to a reduction in car journeys which will ease congestion at peak times (e.g. during the school run).